About Billdozer

Founded in 2013, Billdozer has enabled multiple entrepreneurs to leverage and scale their subscription-model businesses and recurring billing systems. The founders, Toby Hewlett and Robert Pretorius, both have over 25 years experience building innovative solutions for businesses, including working with brands such as Old Mutual, Price Waterhouse Coopers, IBM, Safmarine, Maersk, Deutsche Bank, Pathcare and PayU. Billdozer is a participant in the Standard Bank Incubator network and a certified integrator of Netcash (a registered PASA Systems Operator and Third Party Payments Provider) for all payments and reconciliation on Billdozer.com.

Billdozer is a powerful online recurring billing system that will assist with streamlining subscription and recurring billing processes. With Billdozer you are able to handle payment collection for subscription and recurring invoicing, credit risk management, comprehensive online billing and arrears management.